Hall in Gounares Street

Name of structure: Hall in Gounares Street
Extended name of structure:
Type of structure: Hall
Country or main area: Greece
Region within country or main area: Macedonia
City or area within region: Thessaloniki
Date of structure: Second half of fifth century
Century of structure 1: 5 AD
Century of structure 2:
Specific place of mosaic: Wall
Brief descriptive contents of mosaic: Wall mosaic fragments
Date of mosaic: Late fifth to first third of sixth century.
Century of mosaic 1: 5 AD
Century of mosaic 2: 6 AD
Silver tessera at site:
Gold tessera at site:
Colour tessera at site:
Were other materials found at site (i.e., glass cakes)?
Has analysis been done?
Samples taken from where?
Excavation and restoration campaigns:
Bibliography of mainly technical resources:

Fourlas, Benjamin, Die Mosaiken Der Acheiropoietos-Basilika in Thessaloniki: (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co., 2012), ch. IV.2.2, also see summary in English, p. 228.

Record Incomplete

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