Giovanni del Toro

Name of structure: Giovanni del Toro
Extended name of structure:
Type of structure: Church
Country or main area: Italy
Region within country or main area: Campania
City or area within region: Ravello
Date of structure: 11C
Century of structure 1: 11 AD
Century of structure 2: 11 AD
Specific place of mosaic: Pulpit
Brief descriptive contents of mosaic: Jonah and the whale, flora, fauna.
Date of mosaic: 11C
Century of mosaic 1: 11 AD
Century of mosaic 2: 11 AD
Silver tessera at site: Unknown
Gold tessera at site: Yes
Colour tessera at site: Yes
Were other materials found at site (i.e., glass cakes)? No
Has analysis been done? No
Samples taken from where? n/a
Excavation and restoration campaigns: 1990s?
Bibliography of mainly technical resources:

Cussino, B., Guidi, M., Saratti, C. & Zautti, C., 'I mosaici medieovali di Ravello', Quaderni dell' Instituto di Storia Dell'architettura 19 (1957), 1-10.

Gandolfo, F., 'Il Pulpito di San Giovanni del Toro a Ravello, La scultura normanno-sveva in Campania: botteghe e modelli (Laterza, 1999).

Vitolo, S., Mauro, D., Peduto, P., Bertelli, G., Carrozzini, B. & Widemann, F., ‘L'ambone della chiesa di San Giovanni a Toro di Ravello', Apollo: bollettino dei Musei provinciali del Salernitano 7 (1991), 77-126.


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