Cave church
Name of structure: | Cave church |
Extended name of structure: | |
Type of structure: | Church |
Country or main area: | Turkey |
Region within country or main area: | Cilicia, Anatolia |
City or area within region: | Meryemlik |
Date of structure: | 4C |
Century of structure 1: | 4 AD |
Century of structure 2: | 4 AD |
Specific place of mosaic: | Scattered tesserae on ground, traces on walls of apse and south side-chamber. |
Brief descriptive contents of mosaic: | n/a |
Date of mosaic: | Contemporary with date of structure? |
Century of mosaic 1: | 4 AD |
Century of mosaic 2: | 4 AD |
Silver tessera at site: | Unknown |
Gold tessera at site: | Yes |
Colour tessera at site: | Yes |
Were other materials found at site (i.e., glass cakes)? | Unknown |
Has analysis been done? | No |
Samples taken from where? | n/a |
Excavation and restoration campaigns: | 1930s: E. Herzfeld and S. Guyer
Bibliography of mainly technical resources: | Hill, S., The Early Byzantine Churches of Cilicia and Isauria (Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman Monographs vol. 1) (Aldershot: Ashgate, 1996). Hild, F., Hellenkemper, H. & Hellenkemper-Salies, G., 'Kommagene - Kilikien - Isaurien', Reallexikon der Byzantinischen Kunst 4 (1990) 182-356, s.v. Hild, F. & Hellenkemper, H., Kilikien und Isaurien (Tabula Imperii Byzantini 5. Österreischische Akademie des Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse Denkschriften 138) (Vienna, 1990). Herzfeld, E. & Guyer, S., Meriamlik und Kerykos. Zwei christliche Ruinenstätte der rauhen Kilikiens (Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua 2) (Manchester, 1930). |
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