Odalar Camii
Name of structure: | Odalar Camii |
Extended name of structure: | Original Byzantine name is lost; suggestions: Theotokos Kecharitomene (P.B. Palazzo), Theotokos ta Kellaraios (R. Janin), Monastery of Petra, dedicated to Ioannes Prodromos (S. Eyice). |
Type of structure: | Church |
Country or main area: | Turkey |
Region within country or main area: | Marmara |
City or area within region: | Constantinople |
Date of structure: | 11C-12C |
Century of structure 1: | 11 AD |
Century of structure 2: | 12 AD |
Specific place of mosaic: | The mosaics were still extant in 1916 when viewed by Dalleggio d'Alessio (Eyice, 1973, p. 175). |
Brief descriptive contents of mosaic: | n/a |
Date of mosaic: | 11C-12C |
Century of mosaic 1: | 11 AD |
Century of mosaic 2: | 12 AD |
Silver tessera at site: | Unknown |
Gold tessera at site: | Unknown |
Colour tessera at site: | Unknown |
Were other materials found at site (i.e., glass cakes)? | Unknown. |
Has analysis been done? | No |
Samples taken from where? | n/a |
Excavation and restoration campaigns: | 1920: team led by E. Mamboury |
Bibliography of mainly technical resources: | Westphalen, S., Die Odalar Camii in Istanbul, Architektur und Malerei einer mittelbyzantinischen Kirche (Tübingen: E. Wasmuth, 1998). Eyice, S., ‘İstanbul'un Ortadan Kalkan Bazı Tarihi Eserleri’, Tarih Dergisi 27(1973) , 133-78. Schazmann, P., 'Die Grabung an der Odalar Camii in Konstantinopel, Archäologischer Anzeiger 50 (1935), 511-19. Schazmann, P., 'Des fresques byzantines récemment découvertes par l'auteur dans les fouilles à Odalar Camii, Istanbul', Atti del congresso internazionale di studi bizantini 2 (Rome, 1936), 371-86. |
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Comments: | Westphalen (1998): First church 9C-10C had wall paintings. |