Hagia Glykeria

Name of structure: Hagia Glykeria
Extended name of structure: Glykeria, one of the Princes' Islands, is now known as Niandro
Type of structure: Church
Country or main area: Turkey
Region within country or main area: Marmara
City or area within region: Constantinople
Date of structure: 11C
Century of structure 1: 11 AD
Century of structure 2: 11 AD
Specific place of mosaic: Scattered tesserae on the ground.
Brief descriptive contents of mosaic: From TAY database: 'Although there is no in situ decoration, traces of frescoes and mosaics found among the debris of the church and monk cells indicate presence of decorations on the buildings. Also found are evidences of opus sectile pavement in the floor of the church'. See Eyice 2001, 75. Accessed 3 Nov 2009.
Date of mosaic: 11C
Century of mosaic 1: 11 AD
Century of mosaic 2: 11 AD
Silver tessera at site: Unknown
Gold tessera at site: Unknown
Colour tessera at site: Unknown
Were other materials found at site (i.e., glass cakes)? Unknown
Has analysis been done? No
Samples taken from where? n/a
Excavation and restoration campaigns:

1976: team led by A. Koyunlu, C. Soyhan and S. Atasoy of the Archaeological Museums of Istanbul conducted a survey in the island, and published a brief report (Koyunlu et al, 1976) This research team saw three cisterns and an unidentified building, but not the church.
1988: team led by S. Eyice conducted a study in the island for a few days, made measured drawings of the building and took photographs (Eyice, 2001). From TAY database accessed 3 Nov 2009.

Bibliography of mainly technical resources:

Eyice, S., ‘Tuzla Önündeki Hagia Glykeria Kilisesi ve Manastırı’ in Yıldız Demiriz'e Armağan ed by B. Tanman & U. Tükel (Istanbul, 2001), 67-79.

Koyunlu, A., Soyhan, C. & Atasoy, S., ‘Tuzla Civarındaki Adalarda Yapılan Araştırmalar’, Mimarlık Tarihi ve Restorasyon Enstitüsü Bülteni Sayı,  5-6 (1976), 58-60.

URLs: http://www.tayproject.org/TAYBizansMar.fm$Retrieve?YerlesmeNo=20147&html=bizansdetaile.html&layout=web

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