Author: | Bolgia, C. |
Editor: | |
Title: | Il mosaico absidale di San Teodoro a Roma: problemi storici e restauri attraverso disegni e documenti inediti |
Book/Journal/Conference: | Papers of the British School in Rome |
Tertiary title: | |
Type: | Journal Article |
Pages: | 317-51 |
Publisher: | |
Publication's Location: | |
Year: | 2001 |
Volume: | 69 |
Date of publication: | |
ISBN: | |
Number of volumes: | |
Number: | |
URL: | |
Edition: | |
Language: | |
Section: | |
Type of work: | |
Original publication: | |
Notes: | |
Research notes: | |
Abstract: |
Bolgia, C. , 'Il mosaico absidale di San Teodoro a Roma: problemi storici e restauri attraverso disegni e documenti inediti', Papers of the British School in Rome, 69 (2001), 317-51.