The Composition of Byzantine Glass Mosaic Tesserae
Welcome to the database of sites and sources of Roman and Medieval wall mosaics and glass tesserae. Follow the links on the left to enter one of three databases:
- 'Structures' records buildings from the Roman and medieval worlds where we have archaeological evidence (finds) of glass wall and/or vault mosaics.
- 'Texts' contains records of primary Byzantine sources which mention mosaics (this is being expanded to include Roman and medieval sources).
- 'References' is a bibliographical database of modern scientific publications about glass mosaics.
The databases can be searched or browsed for information and the method should be straightforward. The databases are on-going and are continually being added to; if you spot omissions or errors, please contact us.
- We have not included structures for which there is only evidence of glass mosaics on floors.
- The database does not contain records of mosaic icons.
- Names: we have used mostly Byzantine names of places so Nicaea, not Iznik; Constantinople, not Istanbul. Building names are given in English, unless mostly known in the wider world in their original
- uage (hence Rome, not Roma; Hagia Sophia, not Holy Wisdom).
- Spelling: we have followed the spelling of the Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium. Hence: Demetrios, not Dimitrius; Photios, not Photius.
- We have only included buildings that are no longer extant if the mosaics survive elsewhere
- 'Unknown' can designate that it really is unknown or that research of published data has not produce an answer yet
- Some monuments (for example, Hagia Sophia Constantinople) have multiple entries. This is because this is a database of mosaics not of monuments and we have recorded each new mosaic as it was added to the building.
The databases have been designed and constructed by the University of Sussex Web Team in collaboration with Bente Bjornholt, the Leverhulme Network Facilitator. The Director of the Network Liz James and Bente wish to thank everyone in and associated with the Network who has contributed. If you have any questions or suggestions please contact the current researcher Wendy Watson: E wendy@jandwwatson.plus.com, Bente: E B.K.Bjornholt@sussex.ac.uk or Liz: E e.james@sussex.ac.uk.