This month in 1969 – Virginia Wade opens Sportcentre
Posted on behalf of: Internal communications
Last updated: Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Virginia Wade. Photo published in Focus magazine in June 1969
In May 1969, top tennis star – and former Sussex student – Virginia Wade returned to campus to officially open the Sportcentre.
Here is an extract from the original article in the issue of Focus magazine published in June 1969:
Now it’s official
Virginia Wade, Britain’s top-ranking tennis player and a graduate of Sussex, returned to the University last month for the official opening ceremony of the Sportcentre.
After a buffet lunch attended by University members, sporting celebrities and representatives from local authorities, the guests, who included architect Sir Basil Spence and Alan Weekes of the B.B.C., made their way to the Sportcentre.
There Miss Wade unveiled a plaque, and recalled the indulgence shown to her while she was reading mathematics at Sussex. The timing of one examination, in particular, had been altered so that she could take part in the Wightman cup…
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