Broadcast: News items
Christmas vacation opening times
Posted on behalf of: Internal communications
Last updated: Thursday, 15 December 2011

Christmas vacation: 10 December-8 January inclusive
Minimum service days: 23 December, 26-30 December, 2 January
All locations closed weekends and minimum service days unless stated
- Co-op (Bramber House): 10-22 December and 3-8 January 7am-11pm (Mon-Sun); 23-24 December, 27-31 December and 2 January 8am-9pm; 25-26 December and 1 January closed
- John Smith’s Bookshop (Library): 10-22 December 9am-5.30pm; 23 December-3 January closed; 4-8 January 9am-5.30pm
- Union Shop (Falmer House): 10-22 December and 3-6 January 8am-5pm (Mon-Fri)
Eating and drinking
- Arts Piazza café: 10-18 December 8am-6pm (Mon-Fri); 19-22 December and 4-6 January 8.30am-4pm; 23 December-3 January closed
- Bridge café: 10-18 December 9am-4.30pm (Mon-Fri); 19-22 December and 4-6 January 9am-4pm; 23 December-3 January closed
- Chichester café: 10-18 December 8.30am-3.30pm (Mon-Fri); 19 December-6 January closed
- Dhaba café: 10-22 December and 4-6 January 9am-4pm (Mon-Fri); 23 December-3 January closed
- Doctor's Orders café: 10-22 December and 4-6 January 8.30am-3.30pm (Mon-Fri); 23 December-3 January closed
- East Slope Bar: 10-18 December and 24 December-5 January closed; 19-23 December 12 noon-8pm (food until 3pm, limited menu); 6-8 January 12 noon-12 midnight
- Eat Central (Bramber House): 10-11 December 8am-6pm; 12-16 December 7.30am-11pm; 17-18 December and 7-8 January 9am-4pm; 19-22 December and 4-6 January 7.30am-8pm; 23 December-3 January closed
- Falmer Bar: 10-11 December, 17 December-2 January and 6-8 January closed; 12-16 December* and 3-5 January 12 noon-8pm (inc food)
*Christmas dinners by prior booking only via - Library café: 10 December and 17 December 11am-4pm; 11 December, 18 December and 23 December-3 January closed; 12-15 December 9am-8pm; 16 December 9am-4.30pm; 19-22 December and 4-6 January 9am-4pm
- Barclays (Sussex House): 10am-2.30pm (Thursdays only)
- HSBC (Bramber House): Closed
(Cash points available 24 hours a day)
Sports and societies
- Falmer Sports Complex: 10-21 December and 3-8 January 7.30am-10pm (Mon-Fri) and 9am-6pm (Sat-Sun); 22 December 7.30am-1pm; 23-27 December closed; 28-29 December 10am-4pm; 30 December-2 January closed
- Sport Centre: 10-21 December and 3-8 January 9am-10pm (Mon-Fri) and 9.30am-6pm (Sat-Sun); 22 December 9am-1pm
Other services
- Buses: See the Brighton and Hove Buses website.
The Big Lemon is no longer running any bus services to and from the University campus. - Careers and Employability Centre (Library): Careers Advisor drop-in 12 noon-2pm and bookable appointments 2-4pm
- Health Centre: 9am-5pm (last appointment 4pm)
- IT Services Helpdesk (Shawcross): 10-21 December and 3-8 January 9am-5.30pm (or by keypad at other times) (Mon-Fri); 22 December 9am - 3pm (no keypad access after 3pm); 23-27 December closed (no keypad access); 28-30 December 12 noon-5pm (or by keypad after 5pm); 31 December-1 January keypad access only; 2 January 12 noon-5pm (or by keypad at other times)
(The computer rooms in Pevensey and John Maynard-Smith will be accessible by keypad whenever the buildings are unlocked and the York House cluster will be open throughout the vacation.) - Launderette (Lewes Court, Northfield and Park Village): Closed
- Launderette (Stanmer Court): Open 24 hours a day
- Library: 10-21 December 9am-7pm (Mon-Fri); 22 December 9am-3pm; 23-27 December closed; 28-30 December and 2 January 12.30-7.30pm; 31 December-1 January closed; 3-8 January 9am-7pm (Mon-Fri) and 12.30pm-7.30pm (Sat-Sun)
See the Library website. - Nursery and Preschool: 10-22 December and 4-8 January 8.30am-1pm and 1-5.30pm (Mon-Fri); 23 December-3 January closed
- Pharmacy: 12-23 December 9.30am-4.30pm; 24-27 December closed; 28-30 December 10am-2pm; 31 December-2 January closed; 3-8 January 9.30am-4.30pm
- Post Office (within Co-op, Bramber House): 23 December, 28-30December and 3-8 January 9.30am-5pm; 24 December 9am-12.30pm; 25-27 December closed; 31 December 9.30am-4pm; 1-2 January closed
- Student Life Centre: 10-12 December and 15-22 December 9am-5pm (Mon-Fri); 13 December 12 noon-5pm; 14 December 9am-12 noon; 23 December-2 January and 4 January closed
- Students’ Union Advice and Representation Centre: By appointment (E
- Students’ Union Box Office: Closed
- Union Computers: Closed
If you run a campus service and have information to add, please email
At a glance: what’s open on minimum service days
Friday 23 December
- Co-op (Bramber House): 8am-9pm
- East Slope Bar: 12 noon-8pm (food until 3pm, limited menu)
- Launderette (Stanmer Court): Open 24 hours
- Pharmacy: 9.30am-4.30pm
- Post Office (within Co-op, Bramber House): 9.30am-5pm
Saturday 24 December (Christmas Eve)
- Co-op (Bramber House): 8am-9pm
- Launderette (Stanmer Court): Open 24 hours
- Post Office (within Co-op, Bramber House): 9.30am-12.30pm
Sunday 25 December (Christmas Day)
- Launderette (Stanmer Court): Open 24 hours
Monday 26 December (Boxing Day)
- Launderette (Stanmer Court): Open 24 hours
Tuesday 27 December
- Co-op (Bramber House): 8am-9pm
- Launderette (Stanmer Court): Open 24 hours
Wednesday 28 December
- Co-op (Bramber House): 8am-9pm
- Falmer Sports Complex: 10am-4pm
- IT Services Helpdesk (Shawcross): 12 noon-5pm
- Launderette (Stanmer Court): Open 24 hours
- Library: 12.30-7.30pm
- Pharmacy: 10am-2pm
- Post Office (within Co-op, Bramber House): 9.30am-5pm
Thursday 29 December
- Co-op (Bramber House): 8am-9pm
- Falmer Sports Complex: 10am-4pm
- IT Services Helpdesk (Shawcross): 12 noon-5pm
- Launderette (Stanmer Court): Open 24 hours
- Library: 12.30-7.30pm
- Pharmacy: 10am-2pm
- Post Office (within Co-op, Bramber House): 9.30am-5pm
Friday 30 December
- Co-op (Bramber House): 8am-9pm
- IT Services Helpdesk (Shawcross): 12 noon-5pm
- Launderette (Stanmer Court): Open 24 hours
- Library: 12.30-7.30pm
- Pharmacy: 10am-2pm
- Post Office (within Co-op, Bramber House): 9.30am-5pm
Saturday 31 December (New Year’s Eve)
- Co-op (Bramber House): 8am-9pm
- Launderette (Stanmer Court): Open 24 hours
- Post Office (within Co-op, Bramber House): 9.30am-4pm
Sunday 1 January (New Year’s Day)
- Launderette (Stanmer Court): Open 24 hours
Monday 2 January
- Co-op (Bramber House): 8am-9pm
- IT Services Helpdesk (Shawcross): 12 noon-5pm
- Launderette (Stanmer Court): Open 24 hours
- Library: 12.30-7.30pm
Thanks Carmen, we've corrected the article
From James Hakner on 7 December 2011
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The Big Lemon bus company are not listed above. They can be found here:
From Jacob Skinner on 7 December 2011
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Hi Jacob, thanks for the link. We did check the Big Lemon's website but it indicates that they are not running any services during the University's holiday period. In case it's helpful to others, I've updated the article to make this clear.
From James Hakner on 7 December 2011
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Please note that the Silverstone cafe closed at the end of June 2011, so it should no longer appear on the list of University-run catering outlets.
From Carmen Long on 6 December 2011
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